Whey protein is probably one of the most popular sports nutrition supplements in the bodybuilding and fitness world. The convenience of scooping some powder into a cup of water or milk is unparalleled and a staple method of boosting daily protein intake in exchange for minimal calories, fat, and carbohydrates.

Though, when it comes to choosing your ideal whey protein supplement, there are multiple factors to consider. Among the many different types of protein, diet whey protein tends to be one of the more popular ones.

This article discusses the differences between your regular whey protein and diet whey protein. Is one better than the other? Which one should you choose? Find out all you need to know here!

The Importance of Protein

Protein rarely needs an introduction being the most talked about macronutrient, particularly among athletes and gym-goers.

As you may know, protein makes up one of the three main macronutrients alongside carbohydrates and fat.

Protein is considered the building block of life, as it is found in every cell in the body. Our hair, skin, nails, muscles, among many other materials that form the structure of our body, are mostly made up of protein.

Protein plays a major role in:

  • Transporting molecules around the body
  • Helping to create and repair cells
  • Protecting the body from viruses
  • Promoting growth and development

Though, protein is also the cornerstone of any nutrition plan that revolves around muscle gain and/or weight loss.

Since our muscle is made up of protein, it makes sense that consuming an adequate amount of it would help us maintain and build muscle.

Regarding fitness and weight loss, protein can help:

  • Reduce appetite and hunger
  • Increase muscle mass and strength
  • Improve bone health
  • Reduce cravings
  • Boost metabolism and increase fat burning

Many people can get adequate protein intake from diet alone, particularly when eating plenty of meat, dairy, fish, and eggs.

However, in recent years, protein supplements have risen to immense popularity. Protein supplements come in the form of powders, bars, shakes, and other sweet “healthy” snacks.

While these are not essential for anything, they can be a very convenient way to boost your daily protein intake.

The Benefits of a Protein Supplement

As mentioned, whey protein supplements can offer a convenient and easy way to increase your daily protein intake.

Also, research has shown that there may be additional benefits to consuming whey protein supplements for weight loss and muscle growth.

Some of the benefits of supplementation include:

  • A quick and convenient source
  • A complete source of protein that includes all essential amino acids
  • A fast-absorbing, easily digestible protein source
  • Can take the edge off cravings due to the inclusion of sweeteners and flavors

The Difference Between Diet Protein and Whey Protein

There are many different types of protein available, such as concentrate, hydrolysate, and isolate. All of these types vary in absorption and digestibility, though they all achieve the same outcome - boosting your protein intake.

So, you may have heard of diet whey protein.

While your regular whey protein supplement will simply contain a protein blend with some basic fillers and flavorings, diet whey will have some added ingredients that help to support a weight-loss program.

Some ingredients you may find in a diet whey product may be CLA or green tea.

The ingredients usually added to diet whey will be something to help burn more fat and increase energy.

Diet Protein and Whey Protein: Which is Better?

When it comes to which is better, it largely depends on your goals.

Whey protein appears to be sufficient to provide you with a good quality, convenient protein source. However, diet whey has those extra couple of ingredients that potentially help burn more fat.

Though the effects from the ingredients may be marginal, and it may be at the expense of the flavor, quality, and versatility of the protein powder. For example, diet whey is typically more difficult to cook with!

So, if you simply want to increase your protein intake with the help of a supplement, we recommend sticking with regular whey protein.

Including a separate fat burner on the side of a whey protein supplement would be a better idea. Burn Lab Pro will help you achieve all of your fat-burning goals without compromising on the quality of your protein supplement!

Take-Home Message

Whey protein is one of the most popular sports supplements on the planet. Though, with protein being such a buzzword in the weight loss industry too, it’s no surprise that a whey protein supplement tailored to a weight-loss diet has crept onto the shelves.

However, we still recommend sticking with the regular whey protein powder and including a separate fat burner in your supplement stack. This way, you don’t compromise on flavor and quality, and you get better results from the fat burner!